Friday, June 02, 2006

Drummer Col Offended By 'Grivelling Snub' comment

Perico drummer, Col "sex cymbal" Robertson, last night expressed his outrage at comments directed at him claiming he was a "grivelling snub".

"That type of language is totally uncalled for and inaccurate." he told the Perico Blog.

"People who say that sort of thing probably also dish out on Darryl Somers and Shannon Noll. It's totally unAustralian."

Brunswick drinker, Damo Wilding, was unrepentant about the comment.

"If I have offended anyone" he said "good, that was my intention.

Col was grateful nobody called him anything else such as a "snivelling grub:, for instance. Now THAT would be REALLY offensive, wouldn't it?

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