Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Damo Faces Suspension Over Perico Rant

Perico blog reporter and Brunswick drinker, Damo Wilding, could face suspension from future Perico gigs, if he doesn't tone down his behaviour, according to Bass player, Greg. Greg was responding to an incoherent abusive rant that Damo made at perico's last gig in February.
"I mean, this really isn't the image we're trying to project. I like to think our fans are generally less abusive, cleaner looking, far more sober, more coherent and not fuckwits. Sorry to say this, but Damo is too often a complete jerk."
Damo, when asked for comment, seemed unconcerned.
"They've tried to ban me from everything before. But like a Jehova 's witness at your door, I'm just really hard to get rid of. No-one suspends Damo, NO-ONE!"

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