Monday, May 01, 2006

The East Strikes Back

The East Brunswick Club launches its new band room on Wednesday 10th May and it looks like it will be putting on acts Wednesday through Sunday. It's an exciting time for the Brunswick music and drinking scene, already rich with options, but up until now, with the possible exception of the Cornish Arms, missing a premium venue to watch international acts.

The redevelopment of the East is reported to have cost over $300 000 and sees the retirement of the front bar from sport-interupting bands, and the long overdue demise of the TAB. Some of the toothless patrons may (hopefully) even decide to move on.

According to Perico blog reporter and regular East drinker, Damo Wilding, the new room is so big that "if you took every brick and put them in Port Phillip Bay, the bricks would sink."

Estimates vary, but we reckon 500 might be the capacity.

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