Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Perico in Steamy Threesome

Brunswick superstars, Perico, last night held their first post-Tim practice in their new look threesome set-up.

"We're going to sound a bit different, but don't worry, we'll still being playing some of the old faves" pin-up guitarist Richo reassures.

"You'll hear a whole host of new songs too."

Drum-smoking drummer Col, was just happy to be able to claim more influence within the band.

"The way I see it, my votes in the band have increased from 25% to 33.3%, and that extra 8 and 1/3 percent represents an improvement of 8 and 1/3 percent. I just need one other member of the band to agree with me and I have a 2/3 majority, which would allow me to change the constitution."

When it was pointed out that everyone else had also increased their "votes" by 8 and 1/3 percent and that they also needed only one person to agree with them to hold 2/3 of the votes, and that there was, in fact, no constitution to change anyway, Col became agitated.

"This press conference is over. No more questions." he said before storming out.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Drummer Finds Respect in Malaysia

Perico Drummer, Big Col, on a fact finding mission to Malaysia, has reported that drummer discrimination is not only markedly lower in Malaysia than in Australia, but quite possibly doesn't exist at all.

"Everyone here seems to respect drummers" said Col by phone yesterday from the luxury Nexus resort in Kota Kinabalu.

"I tell all the locals here, or at least the one's who serve me food and drink or clean my room, that I'm a drummer and they smile at me. This is in stark contrast to the reaction I get from others like tourists or even my wife who just look at me like I'm sub-human.
"In Malaysia you can be a drummer and be respected!"